English Vocabulary Builder

®   Haphazard: disorganized, random accidental mere chance, by chance: His haphazard reading left him unacquainted with the subject.

®   Haughtiness: pride, arrogance: I resent his haughtiness because he is no better than we are.

®   Hazardous: dangerous: Your occupation is too hazardous for insurance companies to consider your application.

®   Heedless: not noticing, disregarding: He drove on, heedless of the warnings placed at the side off the road that it was dangerous.

®   Heinous: atrocious, hatefully bad: Hitler’s heinous crimes will never be forgotten.

®   Heterogeneous: dissimilar: In heterogeneous groupings, we have an unsorted grouping, while in homogeneous groupings we have people or things which have common traits.

®   Hoax: trick, practical joke: Embarrassed by the hoax, he reddened and left the room.

®   Holocaust: destruction by fire: When the hotel burned down, fifty six people died in the holocaust.

®   Homogeneous: of the same kind: Educators try to put pupils of similar abilities into classes because they believe that this homogeneous grouping is advisable.

®   Hoodwink: deceive, delude: Having been hoodwinked once by the fast-talking salesman, he was extremely cautious when he went to purchase a used car.

®   Humility: humbleness of spirit: He spoke with a humility and lack of pride which impressed his listeners.

®   Hypothecate: mortgage, pledge as security: I have no authority to hypothecate this property as security for the loan.

®   Hypothetical: based on assumptions or hypotheses: Why do we have to consider hypothetical cases when we have actual case histories which we may examine?

®   Ideology: ideas of a group of people: That ideology is dangerous to any country which embraces undemocratic philosophies.

®   Ignominious: disgraceful: The country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious.

®   Immaculate: pure, spotless: The Army cadets were immaculate as they lined up for inspection.

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