® Imminent: about to occur, near at hand: Unless it stops raining by tomorrow flood appears imminent.
® Impair: worsen, diminish in value: His illness has impaired his efficiency.
® Impartial: not favoring one more than another: Mr. Rabbani is a good empire, he is always as impartial as possible.
® Impassive: without feeling, not affected by pain: He looked at me impassively.
® Impeach: charge with crime in office, indict: The angry member of Assembly wanted to impeach the President.
® Imperturbable: calm, placid: He remained imperturbable and in full command of the situation in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him.
® Implement: carryout, into effect supply what is needed, furnish with tools: I am unwilling to implement this plan until I have assurances that it has the full approval of your officials.
® Implication: involving or being involved: The trail resulted in the implication of several political figures.
® Implicit: understood but not stated: It is implicit that you will come to our aid if we are attacked.
® Imply: suggest a meaning not expressed, signify: Even though your statement does not declare that you are at war with that country, your actions imply that is the actual situation.
® Impregnable: invulnerable: Until the development of the airplane as a military weapon, the fort was considered impregnable.
® Improvise: compose on the spur of the moment: We slept by the road an improvised shelter.
® Impute: attribute, ascribe: If I wished to impute blame to the officers in charge of this program, I would come out and state it definitely and without hesitation.
® Incentive: spur, motive: The promise of bonus acted an incentive to greater efforts.
® Incidence: falling on a body, a casual occurrence: We must determine the angle of incidence of the rays of light.
® Incisive: cutting, sharp: His incisive remarks made us see the weakness in our plans.
® Incorrigible: uncorrectable: Because he was an incorrigible criminal, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.