1. BDC stands for ______.
a. Binary Domain Controller
b. Backup Domain Controller
c. Both Domain Controller
2. ASP stands for ______.
a. Active Sever Page
b. Active Sever Protocol
c. Active Site Protocol
d. Active Site Page
3. JS stands for ________.
a. Java Script
b. Java Serial
c. Java System
d. None of these
4. Cell Edit key in Excel is ________.
a. F2
b. F1
c. F3
d. Ctrl + F2
5. Power Point is called ____________ software:_
a. Presentation
b. Spread Sheet
c. Graphic
d. Word processing
6. The most widely used internet search engine in the world is:
a. Yahoo
b. Google
c. MSN
d. Youtube
7. The extension of MS-Word document is:
a. BMP
b. TXT
c. DOC
d. XLS
8. ___________ command save the active files with new file name:_
a. Save
b. Save as
c. Version
d. Save as web
9. In MS-Word, to insert page break, we can use _____ key combination.
a. Alt+Enter
b. Ctrl+Enter
c. Shift+Enter
d. None of these
10. A collection of Web Pages makes __________.
a. Document
b. Website
c. Movie
d. Presentation
11. When you press ________ key, MS-Word automatically creates a new paragraph:_
a. Ctrl+Enter
b. Enter
c. Shift+Enter
d. None of these
12. _________ key use for start slide show.
a. F2
b. F5
c. F3
d. F4
13. Ctrl+U is the shortcut of ____________.
a. Underline
b. Undo
c. Italic
d. Bold
14. Flash is a product of:_
a. Adobe
b. Micromedia
c. Microsoft
d. Un Micro System
15. ________ is done to protect data and passwords.
a. Authorization
b. Authentication
c. Encryption
d. Verification
16. Which of the following is a helpful way to provide reminder for you during a presentation?
a. Transparencies
b. Speaker Notes
c. Templates
d. Both A and B
e. None of these